The production of knowledge, its documentation and socialization within and outside FUNDAEC, as well as the promotion and dissemination of its work, fall into several categories: books, texts and teaching-learning modules, general and specialized documents (some published, others for internal use), booklets, brochures, newsletters, and audiovisual materials. In addition, over the years a number of articles, papers and Master's and Doctoral theses have collected research on the impact of FUNDAEC's programs in different regions of Colombia and the world. The most important of these are listed below:
- La Senda del Aprendizaje en Latinoamérica: Opción Moral. Farzam Arbab (1991)
- Para Salvar las Barreras: El Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial. Francia Torné de Valcárcel y Gustavo Correa (1995)
- FUNDAEC, sus Fundamentos y Líneas de Acción. Farzam Arbab, Gustavo Correa y Francia de Valcárcel (1992)
- FUNDAEC: It's Principles and it's Activities. Farzam Arbab, Gustavo Correa and Francia de Valcárcel (1992)
- El Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial – SAT. Farzam Arbab, Edmundo Gutiérrez y Francia de Valcárcel (1990)
- Búsqueda de Sistemas Alternativos de Producción: La Experiencia de FUNDAEC. Martín Prager y Farzam Arbab (1998) en alianza FUNDAEC-CELATER (Centro Latinoamericano de Tecnología y Educación Rural)
- CELATER Marco conceptual. Farzam Arbab (1988)
- Ashraf, N., Banerjee, A., Nourani, V. (2020) Learning to Teach by Learning to Learn. Unpublished manuscript.
- Brookings Institute. (2016). Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial: Redefining Rural Secondary Education in Latin America Millions Learning: Scaling up quality education in developing countries.
- Brookings Institute. (2016). Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial: Replanteando la Educacion Secundaria Rural en America Latina.
- Correa, B., Murphy-Graham, E., (2019). “Everything has a Beginning and an End and we are on our Way”; Transformative Agency in the Colombian Preparation for Social Action Program.
- CRECE (Centro de Estudios Regionales, Cafeteros y Empresariales). (2001). Experiencias alternativas para la expansión del acceso a la educación secundaria para los jóvenes en las zonas rurales: el Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (SAT) y el modelo de posprimaria rural de escuela nueva.
- Forero, David. Moreno Parrado, Camila Valentina (2019). Capítulo 5. ¿Qué intervención financiar? Innovaciones Educativas para la Escuela Rural. Intervenciones pedagógicas para la ruralidad.
- Herman, T. (2014). FUNDAEC and Fragmentation. Unpublished manuscript.
- Honeyman, C. (2010). Social Responsibility and Community Development: Lessons from the Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial in Honduras”. International Journal of Educational Development 30: 599-613.
- Lample, J & Murphy-Graham, E. (2014). Learning to trust: Examining the connections between trust and capabilities friendly pedagogy through case studies from Honduras and Uganda. International Journal of Educational Development, 36, 51-62.
- McEwan, P., Murphy-Graham, E, Torres Irribarra, D., Aguilar, C., & Rápalo, R. (2015). Improving middle school quality in poor countries: Evidence from the Honduran Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 37(1), 113–137.
- Murphy-Graham, E. (2007). Promoting Participation in Public Life Through Secondary Education: Evidence from Honduras.
- Murphy-Graham, E. (2008). Opening the black box: Women’s empowerment and innovative secondary education in Honduras. Gender and Education 20(1), 31-5.
- Murphy-Graham, E. (2010). And when she comes home? Education and women’s empowerment in intimate relationships. International Journal of Educational Development, 30(3), 320-331.
- Murphy-Graham, E. (2012). Opening minds, improving lives: education and women's empowerment in Honduras. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.
- Murphy-Graham, E., (2018). ESRC-DFID - Quality Teaching; How innovative teacher training and recruitment approaches are improving learning outcomes in rural Honduras.
- Perfetti, M., Leal, S., y Rolando. P. (2001). Alternativas exitosas de la educación rural en Colombia. Revista Coyuntura Social, Vol. 25.
- Perfetti, M., (2003). Estudio sobre la educación para la población rural en Colombia. Project FAO, UNESCO, DOGCS ITALIA, CIDE, REDUC. pp. 164-216.
- Richards, Sarah. (2010). Improving Maths Education in Rural Honduras: A Research Study on Maths Teaching and Learning in the Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (SAT). New York: Ford.
- El Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial (SAT). Una propuesta educativa para el desarrollo rural humano, armónico y sostenible. Presentation by Luz Alba Roldán at a World Bank conference in Spain, May 2000.
- Arbab, H. (1995). The image of the teacher in rural Colombia: an inquiry into themes, metaphors, and implications for education. University of Massachusetts.
- Arbab-Farid, S. (2012). Moral empowerment: Elements of a conceptual framework for education. Institute of Education, University of London.
- Duhart, D. (2019). ¿Descentrando lo material? El contenido espiritual en los discursos latinoamericanos de transición civilizatoria como semánticas emergentes para la construcción del orden social deseado. Universidad Alberto Hurtado.
- Lample, E. (2015). Watering the Tree of Science: Science Education, Local Knowledge, and Agency in Zambia's PSA Program. Vanderbilt University.
- Lample, J. (2018). Educational Recontextualization in Uganda: Seeking Flexibility and Variation in an Era of Transnational Isomorphisms. UC. Berkeley.
- Pirroni, S. (2019). Interweaving Personal and Community Transformation in a Capability Approach: An Education for Development Case Study in Colombia. University of Massachusetts.
- Roosta, M. (1999). Adult learning and community development: a case study of the FUNDAEC's University Center for Rural Well-being in Risaralda, Colombia. Northern Illinois University.
- Correa, B. (2015). ¿Agentes de cambio? Los estudiantes del programa PAS en el departamento de Córdoba. Universidad de Valle.
- Honeyman, C. (2004). An Orientation Toward Human Progress: Developing Social Responsibility in Rural Honduran Youth through the Sistema de Aprendizaje Tutorial. Harvard University.
- Lample, E. (2011). Knowledge sharing for community development: educational benefits at the community level through networks of knowledge flow and communities of practice. Vanderbilt University.
- Leggett, M. (2006). As drops become waves: A case study of education and transformation through the Sistema Aprendizaje Tutorial (SAT) in rural Colombia. University of Guelph.
- Skeaff, L. (2011). Preparing for Social Action: A case study from Zambia on the relationship between religious knowledge and development. Victoria University of Wellington.
- VanderDussen, E. (2009). A Spirit of Service: Conceptualizing Service in Learning through the Preparation for Social Action (PSA) Program in Uganda. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto.
- Correa, B. (2023). Teacher Professional Development in Rural Colombia and Honduras: An Accompaniment Approach for Everyday Teacher Agency. University of Toronto
Institutional Videos:
- Fortaleciendo las bases de una economía rural
- Los grupos solidarios
- Busqueda del bienestar rural: Una nueva ocupacion
- Cría de pollos
Documentary videos:
Series of workbooks to support sustainable production and community organization programs:
- Cómo escoger y mejorar un negocio. Gustavo Correa (1992)
- La solidaridad. Nuvia Edilma Barrera, Haleh Arbab, Francia de Valcárcel
- Los subsistemas en nuestra parcela. Nuvia Edilma Barrera y Diego I. Angel
- La vaca lechera. Nuvia Edilma Barrera, José Restrepo y Diego Iván Angel
- La cría de pollos. Nuvia Edilma Barrera, Diego Iván Angel y Gustavo Correa
Study texts
Text: Primary elements of descriptions
- Unit 1: Properties
- Unit 2: Systems and processes
- Unit 3: The inner world and the family
Text: Dawn of Civilization
- Unit 1: Transition to agriculture
- Unit 2: Sumer
Text: Basic Arithmetic
- Unit 1: Classification
- Unit 2: Number sentences
- Unit 3: Addition and subtraction
- Unit 4: Multiplication and division
- Unit 5: Arithmetic in scientific investigation
Text: Fractions and their applications
- Unit 1: Fractions
Text: Matter
- Unit 1: Heating and cooling of matter
- Unit 2: Plant growth
Text: Forming young minds
- Unit 1: Describing the world
Text: Small farm food production
- Unit 1: Planting crops
- Unit 2: High-efficiency diversified lots
- Unit 3: Chicken-raising
- Workbook: Experiences raising chickens
Text: Promoting a healthy environment
- Unit 1: Environmental issues
- Unit 2: Ecosystems
Text: Family health
- Unit 1: Health and disease
Text: The intent of the description II
- Unit 1: Context
- Unit 2: Organization of data in the description of systems and processes
- Unit 3: Relationships
Text: Let's discover the reality of the world
- Unit 1: Readings 1
- Unit 2: Readings 2
- Unit 3: Readings 3
Text: Handling Variables
- Unit 1: Numbers, expressions and equations
- Unit 2: Polynomials, part one
- Unit 3: Polynomials, part two
- Unit 4: Algebraic skills in rural life
Text: The use of work and energy
- Unit 1: Movement
- Unit 2: The concept of force
- Unit 3: Work and energy
- Unit 4: Machines
Text: Materials and processes
- Unit 1: Wood
- Unit 2: Metal
- Unit 3: Construction materials
Text: Agricultural and livestock technology
- Unit 1: Let's discover our resources
- Unit 2: Managing species diversity
- Unit 3: Let's preserve our genetic resources
Text: Technological development in the field
- Unit 1: Sustainable peasant production systems
- Unit 2: Rural Agroindustry
- Unit 3: Alternative sources of energy
Text: Language and communication
- Unit 1: Scientific language
- Unit 2: Reading and writing
Text: Space and its elements
- Unit 1: Points, curves and surfaces
- Unit 2: Angles
- Unit 3: Triangles
- Unit 4: Measurements of space
Text: Variables and their relationships
- Unit 1: Polynomial functions
- Unit 2: Speed of change
- Unit 3: Exponential and logarithmic functions
- Unit 4: Trigonometric functions
Text: Electromagnetism and mass communication
- Unit 1: Electromagnetic waves
- Unit 2: Radio
Text: Small production units
- Unit 1: The production process
- Unit 2: Money management
Text: Reconceptualizing leadership
- Unit 1: Fundamentals
Modules: University Center for Rural Well-being
Modules for the Investigation-Action-Learning Units of the Bachelor of Rural Education and Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences.
- Introduction to rural education
- Introduction to rural education with emphasis on agricultural sciences
- Fundamentals of moral leadership I and II
- Communication I: Reading and writing workshop
- Descriptions I
- Development of mathematical capabilities I
- Science I
- Conceptions about the nature of human beings and their ability to learn
- Methodology and techniques of social investigation
- Communication II: Basic concepts of education
- Development of mathematical capabilities II
- Agricultural and livestock technology I
- Science II
- Communication III: Critical thinking by analyzing current affairs
- Unity in diversity
- The Colombian educational system
- Development of concepts and capabilities
- Analysis of the educational situation of a village
- Small productive projects
- Descriptions II: From the simple and tangible to the complex and abstract
- State of development of the community
- History of educational thought
- Administration of educational systems and their institutions
- Conceptions of development
- Fundamentals of economics
- Well-being of the majority: the main indicator of development
Modules of the Specialization in Education and Social Development program.
- Development of a conceptual framework for social action
- Education concepts
- Evolution of development concepts
- Curriculum for material and spiritual progress
- Science, religion and development